Llámenos :   1-403-444-8181
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  • Processing for the Petroleum and Mining Industries

      Geo-X processors have been working with seismic data from both the oil and gas industry and the mining industry for over thirty years. Our team has a reputation for commitment to quality work, customer service, and the delivery of superior products for your geophysical needs.

  • 2D/3D Processing of Diverse Domestic and International Projects in both Stratigraphic and Structural Environments

      The Geo-X research and development team is involved in all of your projects from day one to work with you to achieve your goals. From state-of-the-art geometry building with multiple QC methods to 5D regularization, every step of each project is carefully scrutinized and parameterized to ensure that it delivers your requirement from your data.

  • 4D Time Lapse

      Repeated 3D surveys over an area are performed to determine any changes in the geology over time. The final product will report if there is a difference volume between two 3Ds shot at different times. Surveys should look the same and the difference should be zero unless the geology has changed.

  • 5D Pre-stack Interpolation and 2D/3D Pre-stack Time Migration

      Many projects require regularization to optimize pre-stack 3D migration. Geo-X’s proprietary 5D interpolator is best suited for this purpose and is considered one of the finest in the industry.

  • AVO Compliant (Constant Amplitude, Constant Phase) Processing

      AVO compliant processing has developed over the years to create an optimum input for further AVO analysis of attributes, fracture detection, and pre-stack inversion. Geo-X pays special attention so that the primary signal is not compromised and the AVO effect is maintained throughout the processing sequence.

  • Pre-stack Merging of 3Ds with Various Acquisition Parameters

      With careful attention to detail, 3Ds with various acquisition parameters can be merged to produce one volume with consistent processing parameters. Whether your survey is mega-bin or orthogonal with different bin sizes and rotations, we can merge your 3Ds to create one volume for ease of interpretation.