2016, Zheng Y., presented at GeoConvention, Calgary, Canada
2015, Guo, J., Zheng Y. and Liao W., presented at SEG Annual. Mtg., New Orleans, USA
2015, Zheng Y., Guo J., Liao W., Ross L., Nemeth B. and Escalante C., presented at
SEG Annual. Mtg., New Orleans, USA
2015, Guo, J., Zheng, Y. and Liao, W., presented at GeoConvention, Calgary, Canada
2015, Zheng, Y., Guo, J, Liao, W., Ross, L., Nemeth, B. and Escalante, C., presented at GeoConvention, Calgary, Canada
2014, Zheng, Y., Bancroft, J. and Lawton, D., Canadian Janournal of Exploration Geophsics, Vol. 39, No. 1, PP 10 - 14
2013, Zheng, Y., Nemeth, B., Escalante, C., Crook, A. and Ross, R., presented at SEG Annual. Mtg., Houston, USA
2013, Zheng, Y., Nemeth, B., Escalante, C., Crook, A., Millis, K. and Ross, L., presented at CSEG Nat. Mtg., Calgary, Canada and EAGE Annual Mtg., London, UK
2013, Crook, A., Nemeth, B., Escalante, C., Ross, L., Zheng, Y. and Millis, K., presented at CSEG Nat. Mtg., Calgary, Canada and EAGE Annual Mtg., London, UK
2011, Zheng, Y., Upham, W. and Ng, M., presented at CSEG Nat. Mtg., Calgary, Canada
2011, Ng, M. and Zheng, Y., presented at SEG Annual. Mtg., San Antonio, USA
2011, Hunt, L., Reynolds, S., Hadley, M., Hadley, S., Zheng, Y. and Perz, M., The Leading Edge, 30, 890-904
2009, Perz, M., Wang, J. and Zheng, Y., presented at SEG Annual. Mtg., Houston, USA
2008, Zheng, Y., Wang, J., and Perz M., presented at SEG Annual. Mtg., Las Vegas, USA
2008, Zheng, Y., Perz, M. and Wang, J., presented at CSEG Nat. Mtg., Calgary, Canada
2008, Perz M. and Zheng, Y., presented at CSEG Nat. Mtg., Calgary, Canada
2008, Zheng, Y., Perz, M. and Wang, J., Recorder, CSEG, 33, No. 3
2007, Wang, J., Zheng, Y. and Perz, M., presented at SEG Annual. Mtg., San Antonio, USA
2007, Wang, X., Zheng, Y. and Perz, M., presented at SEG Annual. Mtg., San Antonio, USA
2005, Zheng, Y. and Wang, S., A physical modeling study: presented at CSEG Nat. Mtg., Calgary, Canada
2004, Zheng, Y., Todorovic-Marinic, D. and Larson, G., presented at SEG Annual. Mtg., Denver, USA
Identifying vertical Productive Fractures in the Narraway Gas Field using the Envelope of the Anisotropic gradient
2004, Todorovic-Marinic, D., Larson, G., Gray, D., Cheadle, S., Soule, G. and Zheng, Y., First Break, 22, 10, 45 – 50
2003, Zheng, Y., Roberts, G. and Ratcliffe, A., presented at CSEG Nat. Mtg., Calgary, Canada
2003, Todorovic-Marinic, D., Gray, D., Zheng, Y., Larson, G. and Pelletier J., presented at CSEG Nat. Mtg., Calgary, Canada
Analyzing Fractures from Seismic for Improved Drilling Success
2003, Gray, D., Boerner, S., Todorovic-Marinic, D. and Zheng, Y., World Oil, October, 2003
2003, Gray, D., Boerner, S., Todorovic-Marinic, D. and Zheng, Y., Recorder, CSEG, 28, No. 6
2002, Zheng, Y. and Gray, D.F., presented at SEG Annual Mtg., Salt Lake City, USA
Migrating Fracture Attributes
2002, Zheng, Y. and Gray, D.F., presented at CSEG annual convention: presented at CSEG Nat. Mtg., Calgary, Canada
2001/2002, Zheng, Y., Gray, S., Cheadle, S. and Anderson, P., presented at SEG Annual Mtg., San Antonio, USA, and EAGE Annual Mtg., Florence, Italy
2000, Zheng, Y., presented at SEG Annual Mtg., Calgary, Canada
1998, Zheng, Y., Cheadle, S. and Rising, M. G., presented at SOVG Annual Mtg., Caracas, Venezuela
1997, Zheng, Y. and Stewart, R. R., Can. J. Expl. Geophys., Vol. 33, 21 – 28
1994, Zheng, Y., and Stewart, R. R., presented at SEG Annual. Mtg., Los Angeles, USA